Troubleshoot Your Culture and Get Your People on Track
- Get an Inside Look at Your Culture
- Pinpoint What Needs to Change
- Achieve More with Less Drama Along the Way

High performance shouldn't come at the cost of your people.
At Peak Solutions, we know you want to reach high performance without sacrificing the health of your organization and team members.
In order to do that, your people need to enjoy working hard together and trust each other. The problem is, there’s something under the surface of your culture creating a lack of organizational health and you can’t put your finger on it - making you unsure of how to eliminate the drama.
We believe success shouldn’t come at the cost of your culture, and we understand the damage that unsustainable patterns and struggles cause month after month. This is why we’ve spent the last 20 years helping organizations change their culture for the better so they can sustainably perform, retain their top talent, and benefit from strong relationships along the way.

Here's How We Do It:
To start, we audit your culture
While we troubleshoot your culture, we look closely at these three areas:

Investigating these three areas helps us determine if your troubles stem from a lack of clarity, lack of cohesion, or poor execution.
In our report, we’ll provide examples of cultural assets and liabilities so you can continue to build on what is helping your culture, and know exactly what liabilities we should start eliminating together. Our audit is the ultimate first step in helping your teams enjoy the hard work and relationships required to find success as an organization.
Auditing your culture is step one, but step two is where the tangible improvements happen. We’ll build on what we learned in your audit by consistently executing on eliminating your cultural liabilities. We do this through consulting and group work with your teams and leadership team members.
After our audit, we become your partner in making appropriate changes.
With a commitment to following through on your audit, your culture can become one of high trust where your teams are mastering conflict, committed to their roles, and surpassing goals with less drag and drama along the way.
What Our Process Looks Like
Steps to Repairing Your Culture
Step 1: Conduct a Culture Audit
First, we'll interview people at all levels of your organization and create a report filled with details on your cultural assets and liabilities. You'll also receive suggestions for how we can eliminate your roadblocks.Step 2: Outline Steps to Improvement
After finishing your audit, we'll review feedback from your people, talk through areas of improvement, and create a roadmap based on what needs to change and what needs to remain.Step 3: Perform Without the Tension
As your culture improves, you'll start to notice your teams are efficiently delivering without the weight of poor relationships and unsustainable interactions.
Contact Us
You can save your people from tension, frustration, and drama.
With a greater understanding of your culture, your teams will be on a path towards:
- Effectively Mastering Conflict
- Doubling down on trust and commitment
- Fostering healthy accountability
- Maximizing Performance in a sustainable way